I have been longing for a more enjoyable and unpredictable web experience for a while, and one that is less focused on commercialism. I want my digital life to be immersive in a different way—one where I can get lost in the trees of the forest of the internet. To discover places, people, communities, and counter-culture that seem difficult to find and appreciate through certain digital mediums, such as social media. I am looking to leave that medium behind sooner or later. So when a problem presents itself, some kind of solution is sought.
I had a discussion around this topic with my friend Manu. We decided to build a simple tool to make browsing the web a little more fun and interesting. A tool that anyone can use and contribute to as much as they like. Inspired by The Useless Web, we made a one-page web plot to send you off into the web's wilderness to discover someone or something (potentially) new.
We call it The Forest.
So when you're looking for a distraction, and you fancy a digital walk to find yourself down a rabbit hole, stop by and get yourself lost. Or if you know of an interesting place you think others would enjoy, please plant a tree to be discovered.