Carl Barenbrug

Research + product design



Ritual, a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects.

When you hear this word, where does your mind take you? For me, I find myself asking, what's the difference between a ritual and routine? Turns out that, in essence, routines are practical, while rituals are meaningful. I have both. Some casual and spontaneous, and others strict and frequent. I do enjoy structure and rhythm, and it's really the only way for me to maintain a disciplined lifestyle. That's not to say it lacks adventure and random acts. I do my best to make time and space for these things.

Some rituals hold more meaning than others, and I currently experience several in my own life. I'd love to experience more, honestly, such as meditation, tea ceremonies, health retreats, or hiking adventures, but like with everything in life, rituals come and go as we live through our many chapters.

Although I wouldn't call any of my rituals symbolic, they do tend to hold a deep sense of significance and purpose for me. For instance, rock climbing outdoors. There's the preparation, the focus, the physical challenge, and the connection with nature — it all adds layers of meaning to the activity. For me, it's not just about the physical act but also about problem solving, pushing personal boundaries, and even connecting with the environment. Even better if I can do this with a group of friends. Those elements turn it into something more than just a routine workout. I have a connected and emerging ritual off the back of this too; a particular circle of friends plan an annual climbing trip abroad every year. We've done it for the past couple of years, so it's pretty new, but we're already planning next year's adventure. It's a special time that's really enriched my life. Long may it continue.

Another, albeit lesser, ritual for me would be the act of coffee making. You won't find me with a Nespresso machine, by the way. The simple, repeated actions of grinding beans, brewing, and savouring that first sip with a little square of dark chocolate can become a mindful moment, giving me space to pause and enjoy something familiar and comforting. It's such a small and simple pleasure, but one I really enjoy. Get yourself a coffee machine for the home. It's the best investment you can make.

A thought prompted by Manu + IndieWeb Carnival

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